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Precipitation Zoom Tool for the LMRFC Area

To use the Interactive Zoom Tool:
  • You must have Java installed on your system.
  • You must be using MSIE 5+, NetScape 6+, Mozilla, or other J2SE-compatible browser.
  • Click on "Choose Data", then click on the date you wish to view.
  • Click and drag your mouse in order to zoom into an area of choice.
  • Overlays: Check or uncheck to activate overlays.
  • Tools, Query: Active query by checking box, then click anywhere in the image to get a numerical reading.
  • The applet may be a little slow on a machine with only 128MB of memory. It will work better if your system has more memory.

  • This Java applet requires the Java 2 Platform Standard Edition (J2SE) version 1.3 or higher. The applet uses Java Swing componenets and WILL NOT work with the Microsoft virtual machine. Double-check your browser's Java preferences if you have J2SE v1.3 or higher installed and still cannot view the applet.

    (Note, some future enhancements may require J2SE v1.4.2 or higher. For now, 1.3 will work.)