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Java + Linc Volt:

Time to hit the road!

The Linc Volt, a 1959 Lincoln Continental Mk IV, the car of American dreams of old, has been re-powered by Neil Young with a new series-hybrid system to run on biodiesel and electricity, enabling it to achieve up to 100 miles per gallon. Join the Java and Linc Volt team as they race to the Automotive X Prize. Java will be used to monitor performance elements from the car as the team takes Linc Volt on the road. Linc Volt and Java: keeping you up-to-date on the ride!
» Learn more about Linc Volt

LincVolt status at Fri, 21 Nov 2008 13:16:56 -0800

Current Temperature and Elevation 62.85 °, 406.0 Feet

Current Speed
Total Distance So far
Current Roll
93.03 mph
6.76 miles
0.0 ° 0.0 ° 0.0 °

Rotor Temp
Battery Percent
Motor RPM
Current Amps
Inverter Temp
82.4 ° F 286.40 volts
87.74 %
183.20 amps
68.0 ° F

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