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Research Project: Potato Translation Initiation Factor 4e (Eif4e) over-Expression to Obtain Resistance to Pvy in Susceptible Potato Varieties

Location: Aberdeen, Idaho

Project Number: 5366-21000-026-05
Project Type: Specific Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Aug 26, 2008
End Date: Mar 30, 2010

Conduct studies that will lead to transgenic potato lines that have PVY resistance conferred by a native resistance gene from potato. Resistance to PVY common and necrotic strains present in the industry is critical as these strains can cause tuber defects. The Ry gene (confers extreme PVY resistance) is used in breeding programs combined with marker assisted selection. These breeding techniques can take much longer to produce resistant varieties compared to the time required from transgenic approaches. The proposed transgenic methods will use native resistant genes from potato and should not cause the public concern that followed early transgenic attempts.

A tomato translation initiation factor gene is an orthologue to a PVY resistance gene in pepper. This tomato gene will be transformed into potato and tested against different PVY common and necrotic strains to determine if it confers resistance to all strains. A potato translation factor gene will tested for sequence homology to the pepper and tomato genes. The cloned potato gene will be then be modified in key regions that have been associated with PVY resistance in pepper and tomato. This work will be done with three PVY susceptible potato clones, including Russet Norkotah, Silverton Russet, and an advanced breeding line. Documents SCA with Michigan State.


Project Team
Whitworth, Jonathan
Related National Programs
  Plant Genetic Resources, Genomics and Genetic Improvement (301)
  Plant Diseases (303)
Last Modified: 01/14/2009
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