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Parlez-Vous Francais?

The Library of Congress and the National Library of France (Bibliothèque nationale de France) have launched a bilingual (English-French) online presentation that explores the history of the French presence in North America and the interactions between the French and American peoples from the early-16th to the early-19th centuries.

The presentation, called "France in America," is one of several bilingual presentations in the Global Gateway Web site of international materials from the Library of Congress and other major institutions overseas.

John, Montresor, A Narrative of the expedition of Hernando de Soto into Florida. By a gentleman of Elvas. Published at Evora 1557. Translated from the Portuguese by Richard Hackluyt, London, 1609

The presentation was unveiled during a ceremony in Paris attended by Jean-Noël Jeanneney, president of the Bibliotheque nationale de France, and John Van Oudenaren, chief of the European Division of the Library of Congress and director of its Global Gateway initiative.

The English and French presentations each include more than 100,000 images from the rare book, manuscript, map and print collections of the Library of Congress and the Bibliotheque nationale de France. Among the items available on the site are print versions of Samuel de Champlain's "Voyages," Jacques Marquette's account of his voyage of 1673, Theodor de Bry's late-16th century illustrations of Native American villages, narratives by French officers who participated in the American Revolution and rare maps from the Rochambeau Collection in the Library of Congress and the d'Anville Collection in the Bibliothèque nationale de France.

The first release of the online presentation focuses on the role played by France in the exploration and settlement of North America and in such formative events in the history of the United States as the French and Indian War, the American Revolution and the Louisiana Purchase. It documents the voyages of such important explorers as Jacques Cartier, Champlain and Sieur Cavelier de La Salle; the role of French fur traders, missionaries and soldiers in opening up and settling the upper Midwest; and the interactions between the French settlers and the Native American tribes they encountered.

"France in America," joins other international resources on the Library of Congress Global Gateway Web site at The site includes collaborative digital libraries built with partners from around the world: The Netherlands, Russia, Spain and Brazil.

A. John, Montresor, "Plan de New-York et des environs, levé par Montrésor, ingénieur en 1775," 1777. Geography and Map Division. Reproduction information: Call No.: G3804.N4 1775 .M62 Vault : Roch 23

B. "A Narrative of the expedition of Hernando de Soto into Florida. By a gentleman of Elvas. Published at Evora 1557. Translated from the Portuguese by Richard Hackluyt, London, 1609," 1850. The 1609 edition of this translation of the anonymous "Relaçam verdadeira ..." bore the title "Virginia richly valued, by the description of the maine land of Florida, her next neighbour ..." Rare Book and Special Collections Division. Reproduction information: Call No.: F366.F87 vol. 2; contact:

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