United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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General Manual State Supplements
Title 130, Part 403, Crisis Responsibilities, Subpart G, Exhibits

Title 450, Part 401, Technical Guides, Subpart B, Conservation Practice Standards

Title 450, Part 407, Documentation, Certification and Spot Checking, Subpart B, Documentation and Certification 

Title 430, National Soil Survey Handbook, Amendment 16, Parts 601, 606, 608, 609, and 610

Title 210, National Engineering Handbook, Part 650, Engineering Field Handbook, Chapter 13, Wetland Restoration, Enhancement, or Creation

National Instruction
Title 360, Part 301, Qualifications Standards, Subpart A, GS-457, Soil Conservation Qualification Determinations

National Bulletins
National Bulletin: 290-8-6
Subject: Activities of the Resources Inventory and Assessment Division
This national bulletin accompanies the distribution of the May 2008 report of Resources Inventory and Assessment Division activities.

National Bulletin: 290-8-7
Subject: Availability of April 2008 CEAP Highlights
This national bulletin announce availability of April 2008 Conservation Effects Assessment Project Highlights.

National Bulletin: 300-8-25                                                         Action Required By: August 15, 2008
Subject: Fiscal Year 2008 Conservation Security Program Self-Assessment Verifications
This national bulletin directs States to conduct on-site self-assessment verifications on 100 percent of FY 2008 CSP contracts as soon as practical after contract approval and before the initial annual payment.

National Bulletin: 360-8-45
Subject: Protocol for Submitting Inquiries Regarding Human Resources Policies, Procedures, or Regulations
This national bulletin reminds employees of protocol for submitting inquiries regarding human resources policies, procedures, or regulations.

National Bulletin 450-8-11                                                         Action Required By: July 11, 2008
Subject: Pilot Technology Integration Meeting
This national bulletin announces the Pilot Technology Integration meeting and to solicit developed case studies of the assigned Conservation Innovation Grants Projects prior to the meeting.