E-Verify Statistics

All statistics are supplied by Westat Corporation and based on data on the E-Verify program for the third quarter of FY 2008 (April 2008 through June 2008).This pie chart shows percentages of employees confirmed or non-confirmed as well as those who were initially mismatched, but later confirmed.

Employees confirmed as work authorized instantly or within 24 hours

96.1% of employees are confirmed as work authorized before any type of mismatch notice or need for action by the employee or employer.

Employees receiving initial mismatches

3.9% of employees receive initial mismatches (tentative non-confirmations)

     -0.37% of employees initial mismatches later confirmed work authorized.

     -3.5% of employees receive a final non-confirmation response because they are either not authorized to work in the United States, did not know that they had the opportunity to challenge an initial mismatch (or TNC), or choose not to follow the necessary procedures to prove work authorization after receiving an initial mismatch.

Last updated:04/23/2009