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Health Awareness Offerings

Health Awareness - Earn a red apple

Online health awareness presentations

Move It AND Lose It
Friday, January 16
12:10-12:50 p.m., STEW 202
Linda Monahan, registered dietitian

So many people feel as if they need to starve in order to lose weight. Fortunately, that isn’t the case. By incorporating two small changes into your daily routine – increasing activity (moving) to burn an additional 100 calories and shaving off (losing) 100 calories from your intake - you can lose weight without punishing yourself by starvation or excessive exercise. Doing this faithfully can help you lose 20 pounds in a year!

Holiday Debt Hangover
Wednesday, January 21, (12:10-12:50 p.m.), PWF
Wednesday, January 28, (5:10-5:50 p.m.), PWF
Elizabeth Kiss, extension specialist

Did you spend more for the holidays than you meant to? Overspending can leave us with a holiday spending hangover: increased debt. Learn how you can take control of your credit card use and prevent future hangovers. Choose one of the above sessions to attend.

Healthy Cooking on the Run
Monday, January 26
Noon-1 p.m., STON 232
Karen Hosterman and Linda Monahan, registered dietitians

If you don’t have enough time to plan the kind of healthy menus you’d like to, welcome to the club. This workshop offers cooking demonstrations and a discussion on how to stock your pantry with the ingredients for quick, healthy meals. Plan to stay for a taste session.

A Good Night’s Sleep
Wednesday, January 28
12:10-12:50 p.m., STEW 314
Amber Simons, worklife/wellness specialist

What’s counting sheep got to do with the eight hours of sleep you’ve always heard you need? This course will teach you about the stages of sleep, how it works, and what it does for your body. Most importantly, get tips to improve the quality of your sleep.

Small Steps to Health and Wealth
Tuesday, February 3 (12:10-12:50 p.m.), PWF
Wednesday, February 18 (5:10-5:50 p.m.), PWF
Elizabeth Kiss, extension specialist

There are many similarities between health and personal finances. Learn about five small steps that everyone can take to improve both aspects of their lives. Choose one of the above sessions to attend.

Taking Care of the Caregiver
Thursday, February 5
5:10-5:50 p.m., PWF
Branna Smith, worklife specialist

Are you the primary caregiver of an aging loved one? Discover the support, guidance, and information necessary for successful – and less stressful – care giving, in and out of the home.

Self-Care Techniques
Wednesday, February 11 (12:10-12:50 p.m.), PWF
Amber Simons, worklife/wellness specialist

Generally, you can recover from an illness or injury without needing special medical care. But how can you tell when it’s time to seek medical care? This class will give you the tools to prevent and treat common health problems, to know when medical attention is necessary, and to select the best healthcare provider for your situation. Attendees will receive a complimentary copy of “Healthier at Home,” a manual published by the American Institute for Preventive Medicine.

Chocolate: The New Food Group?
Friday, February 13
12:10-12:50 P.M., STEW 202
Karen Hosterman, registered dietitian

We’ve all heard – and desperately want to believe – the rumors that chocolate is good for us. But what’s the truth? Come and learn about the history of chocolate and how it has earned a reputation as a health food. Get the lowdown on what kind (and amount) you really should be eating.

Anxiety and Depression
Wednesday, February 18
12:10-12:50 p.m., PWF
Amber Simons, worklife/wellness specialist

What do you know about anxiety and depression? Do you know when it’s time to seek medical help? Find out how to recognize the signs and symptoms of anxiety and depression, how to treat them, and what community resources are available to help you.

Picky Eaters
Tuesday, February 24
12:10-12:50 p.m, PWF
Linda Monahan, registered dietitian

Did you know that your favorite foods affect your health? How we taste food is a combination of the range of foods we’ve been exposed to, genetic and psychological factors, and even our age. Learn which factors can be modified to enjoy as many healthy foods as possible, and which foods set up cravings that block the desire for healthier options.

Purdue Saves Week

Purdue Saves for Emergencies
Monday, February 23
12:10-12:50 p.m., STEW 320

Elizabeth Kiss, extension specialist

Having an emergency savings fund may be the most important difference between those who manage to stay afloat and those who are sinking financially. Not having an emergency savings fund is an important reason that many individuals borrow too much money at high interest rates. Learn how you can save and create or maintain an emergency fund.

Purdue Saves and Gets Out of Debt
Tuesday, February 24
12:10-12:50 p.m., STEW 318
Kurt Burnett, CCCS coordinator, Family Services, Inc.

Large consumer debts are the most important financial reason that people have trouble saving and building wealth. The good news is that there is hope. Learn how you can reduce your debts and start to accumulate wealth with planning, discipline, patience, and maybe some outside help.

Purdue Saves for a Home or Car
Wednesday, February 25
12:10-12:50 p.m., STEW 307
Megan Federer, credit counselor, Purdue Employees Federal Credit Union

For decades, homeownership has been the main path to wealth for most Americans. In spite of the current economic situation, that is likely to continue. Being able to travel by car can help people earn more, spend less, and get better value in their housing. Learn how you can access financing that is appropriate for your situation.

Purdue Saves and Invests
Thursday, February 26
12:10-12:50 p.m., STEW 204
Sugato Chakravarty, professor and department head, Consumer Sciences and Retailing

Want to start saving or save more? Learn how you can save money when budgets are tight.

Purdue Saves for Retirement
Friday, February 27
12:10-12:50 p.m., STEW 320
Andy Marsh, CRPC, individual consultant, TIAA-CREF

One of the easiest ways to build wealth quickly is to take advantage of a workplace retirement plan. Learn how you can make the most of your Purdue retirement plan.

Check back for information on our 2009 online health awareness offerings.

All programs are free unless otherwise noted. Advance registration for classes is required. If you have any questions, call 49-45461. If you need accommodation to participate in a program, please contact us at least 14 days prior to the date of the activity.