DOAG: Farm Reinvestment Grant Program
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Farm Reinvestment Grant Program

The purpose of the Department of Agriculture's Farm Reinvestment Program (FRP) Grant Program is to insure the viability of agriculture in our state.  By providing money for capital enhancement to farms, it is the department’s hope to help preserve Connecticut’s agricultural base and improve farm production.
These competitive matching grants will be awarded on the basis of the quality of their business plan that is a part of their application.  The farmer applicant must match or exceed the amount of the grant being requested.  These funds must be used for projects that are defined as capital fixed assets and have a life expectancy of 10 years or more.  The funds may be used for the expansion of existing agricultural facilities, or diversification-expansion into new production areas and site improvements related to such expansion or diversification.
Eligible Applicants:
    1. Agricultural producers, singularly or jointly, whether such producers are owners or tenants of existing agricultural production facilities located within the state of Connecticut;

    2. Applicant's operation must meet the definition of agriculture as codified in Connecticut General Statute Section 1-1(q);

    3. Applicant must submit Schedule F, Form 1120 or Schedule C for three years prior to date of application;

    4. Applicant must provide an individual business plan. In the case of a joint venture, two business plans must be filed, one for the individual applicant and the other for the joint venture, demonstrating how the agricultural production facility will remain ongoing for at least ten years and show what impact the improvements will have on his or her business via projected increased sales, additional jobs, local taxes, etc. The business plan must follow the format prescribed in Attachment A;

    5. Applicant must provide conceptual construction drawings with project budget;

    6. Applicant must possess a current farmers' tax exempt permit;

    7. Applicant must be responsible for securing and complying with all necessary zoning, inland wetland, building and other permits as required prior to receiving grant;

    8. Upon completion of project, applicant must provide an audit by a Certified Public Accountant;

    9. Upon completion of project, applicant must provide an audit from a Certified Public Accountant, a lending institution or an agricultural advisory institution that includes an itemized statement of expenses of the project.

    10. Applicants must agree to a site inspection prior to final approval or rejection of their application. If application approved and project monies awarded, applicant must agree to site inspections during the construction phase of the project.
Deadline for this round is April 30th, 2008. For further information regarding the Farm Reinvestment Program, call Ron Olsen at the Department of Agriculture, (860) 713-2503.

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