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Election 2009

When Can I Vote?

Anytime between Dec. 19, 2008 and Jan. 21, 2009.

The Ballot will close at midnight, PST on January 21.

Who Can Vote?

Voting is restricted to ASEH members.  You must be registered on our website in order to vote. 

To login on our website, register on our website, or join ASEH, please follow these steps:

1. To login on our website, see this link:

2. If you are already registered on our website but can't remember your password for login, see this link:

3. If you are not already registered on ASEH's website to vote, see this link:

4. If you would like to join ASEH or renew your membership, see this link:

Where Do I Vote?

If you are an ASEH member in good standing and are registered on our website, then login and proceed to Ballot 2009.
