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RADIO | Broadcast January 2 - January 4 All Episodes

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Numbers lie. Numbers cover over complicated feelings and ambiguous situations. In this week's show, stories of people trying to use numbers to describe things that should not be quantified. More...
RADIO | Broadcast December 26 - December 28 All Episodes

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Scenes From a Mall

This American Life spends several days in a mall in suburban Tennessee, not only to find out what people are buying in this grim financial year, but to document daily life in the mall during the run-up to Christmas. Also, a rift in a national association of professional Santas—the Amalgamated Order of Real Bearded Santas (yes, there is such a group). More...

Sunday, December 14, 2008
Support our Free Podcast and Streaming
Dear listeners,

Last week, the economic crisis that we’ve been reporting on hit especially close to home.  A dozen colleagues from our home radio station, WBEZ Chicago, had to be laid off.  It costs the radio station around $150,000 per year just for the internet bandwidth to deliver the free podcast and web stream of This American Life. That’s not staff. Not computers. Just the bandwidth. We really want the podcast to remain free, but the radio station cannot absorb these costs; that would mean more layoffs. So we’re asking for your help.  We’re thrilled that last year, we were able to make up this entire bandwidth cost through thousands of small donations from listeners. So if you’re a regular podcast listener, or if you use this website a lot, please consider pitching in. 

Thank you very much. In the current economy, your support means more than ever. 

Thursday, December 11, 2008
What Would Sarah Vowell Play?
KCRW, a public radio station located in Southern California, has a neat program called the Guest DJ Project where they invite an array of cultural icons to share and discuss songs that have inspired and moved them. This week This American Life contributor Sarah Vowell took to the sound board: playing songs and telling stories that ranged in topic from feminism, to Marxism, to a risqué Christmas.

You can check out her five-song tracklist and the show's transcript here, and download the full episode MP3 from KCRW (it's about ten minutes long) here.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
This American Life T-Shirts!! (And DVDs!)
Good news, holiday shoppers. The winning t-shirt from our design contest is now available in our store! Brian Kaas drew the really cool radio design, and shirts are available in both unisex and ladies' sizes. Pick one up today!

Also new in our store: DVDs of the complete first season of This American Life TV!

To receive your shipment in time for Christmas, make sure to order by Sunday, December 14th.

They're perfect as gifts—and we won't tell if you buy them for yourself, too. Let's get this economy back on track, people.


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