Friday, January 16, 2009

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  • Holderweb

    Attorney General Nominee Eric Holder Declares "Waterboarding Is Torture"

    President-elect Barack Obama’s nominee to be Attorney General, Eric Holder, has declared waterboarding to be a form of torture and has vowed to shut down Guantanamo Bay. At his confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Holder was questioned about torture, the pardoning of fugitive billionaire Marc Rich and the commutation of sentences of sixteen members of the Puerto Rican independence group the Armed Forces of National Liberation, known as FALN. We play highlights. Plus author Louise Erdrich on the man to whom Clinton/Holder did not grant clemency: Leonard Peltier.[includes rush transcript]

  • Gazachildweb

    Bloody Israeli Assault on Gaza Enters Fourth Week, Palestinian Death Toll Tops 1,100

    It’s Day 21 of Israel’s assault on Gaza. Israeli warplanes attacked forty targets across Gaza overnight, as Israeli troops backed by tanks have pushed deep into the heart of Gaza City. Since Israel started its bombardment of Gaza, over 1,100 Palestinians have been killed and more than 5,200 wounded. At least 700 civilians are among the dead, including more than 350 children. We speak with Columbia University Professor Rashid Khalidi. [includes rush transcript]

  • Barakasuweb

    Palestinian Astrophysicist in US Recounts How His 11-Year-Old Son Died When Israeli Warplanes Bombed His Family's House

    As the Palestinian death toll in Israel’s assault on Gaza climbs above 1,100, we take a look behind the statistics. Suleiman Baraka is a Palestinian astrophysicist working at Virgnia Tech with NASA. His eleven-year-old son Ibrahim was killed in an Israeli air strike on his house. His wife and three other children are now homeless in Gaza, along with seventeen members of his family. In his first broadcast interview in the US, Suleiman Baraka tells his story. We also speak with Suleiman’s brother, Sayed, who arrived at the house seconds after it was bombed. [includes rush transcript]



Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

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