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Child Survival & Health Grants Program: Overview

Background and Overview of the CSHGP

Since 1985, USAID has supported community-based child survival and health programs implemented by U.S. PVOs/NGOs and their local partners. The purpose of this program is to contribute to sustained improvements in child survival and health outcomes by supporting the work of PVOs/NGOs and their in-country partners. This work is aimed at reducing infant, child, maternal and infectious disease-related morbidity and mortality in developing countries. Sustained health improvements are achieved through capacity building of communities and local organizations and improved health systems and policies. In addition, the program seeks opportunities to scale up successful strategies to the national level and to contribute to the global capacity and leadership for child survival and health through the dissemination of best practices. In order to reach vulnerable populations, grantees work in a variety of settings from district to national level, and partner with local groups including community-based organizations, local NGOs and district and national health authorities.

The Child Survival and Health Grants Program (CSHGP) is housed in the Bureau for Global Health’s Office of Health, Infectious Diseases and Nutrition (GH/HIDN). GH/HIDN strongly supports the role and contribution that PVOs/NGOs and their local partners play in improving the quality of life of some of the most disadvantaged populations in developing countries. For more information on the Child Survival & Health Grants Program.

The three main program components of the CSHGP include:

(1) PVO/NGO Cooperative Agreements: Each year, new cooperative agreements are awarded to support community-based health programs in specific child survival and health technical areas. The current portfolio consists of approximately 70 projects in 40 countries.

(2) CORE Group: The CSHGP supports the CORE Group, a network organization of 44 NGO members collectively working in over 168 countries. CORE’s mission is to strengthen local capacity on a global scale to measurably improve the health and well-being of children and women in developing countries through collaborative NGO action and learning. NGOs participate in CORE’s eight working groups in the areas of IMCI, Malaria, Monitoring and Evaluation, Nutrition, Safe Motherhood and Reproductive Health, Social and Behavioral Change, HIV/AIDS, and Tuberculosis. Organizations interested in participating in CORE Group activities and learning more about the child survival community should consider joining the network. For more information, see the CORE website:

(3) Child Survival and Technical Support Plus (CSTS+) Project: The CSHGP provides resources to ORC/Macro International under the Child Survival and Technical Support Plus Project (CSTS+). CSTS+ offers an array of services to CSHGP and its partners, including grantees, potential grantees and new partners. CSTS+ activities seek to enhance the contributions of grantees and their local partners to carry out effective, quality child and maternal health and infectious disease programs. CSTS+ gives ad hoc technical support to its partners through a team with expertise in monitoring and evaluation, technical child survival and health interventions, organizational development, family planning/reproductive health, and health management information systems. For more information, see the CSTS+ website: Additional information about preparing applications can be found at the New Partner Portal.

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Fri, 13 Oct 2006 13:41:52 -0500