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Ever Have Postpartum Depression?

If you have a history of postpartum depression (PPD) following the birth of any of your children, consider participating in a PPD study with NIMH. The study seeks to examine if your PPD was caused by hormonal changes during or after pregnancy. The study is recruiting female participants between the ages of 20-45 years old. Call Linda Simpson-St. Clair, (301) 496-9576 (TTY 1-866-411-1010).

Healthy Volunteers Sought

The Mood & Anxiety Disorders Program, NIMH, is looking for healthy volunteers, not on medication, with no current or history of psychiatric illness, between the ages of 18 and 65, for a multitude of studies. These may include PET scans, MRI, psychological interview, neuropsychological testing, and other procedures depending on the project in which you choose to participate. A stipend is available. Call 1-866-627-6464 for more information.

Malaria Vaccine Study Needs Volunteers

Healthy men and women ages 18-45, without previous history of malaria or receipt of a malaria vaccine, are needed to participate in a study on the safety and effectiveness of a new investigational malaria vaccine at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in Silver Spring. Health screening and financial compensation provided. Call 1-866-856-3259 toll free or (301) 319-9335/9320, or visit

Asian/Chinese Volunteers Needed

The department of transfusion medicine (Blood Bank) at the Clinical Center seeks healthy volunteers (male and female) 18 years of age and older to participate in a research apheresis study that assesses the influence of ethnic background on immune response. Volunteers are needed who were born in China, including Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore or first generation offspring of parents who were born in these countries. Two visits are required and compensation is available. Call Rose Werden, (301) 402-0757, Mon.-Thurs., 2-4 p.m. or email rwerden@

Recently Diagnosed with a Rheumatic Disease?

To understand the genetic and environmental factors related to these illnesses, NIEHS is seeking families in which an adult or child has been diagnosed within 4 years with rheumatoid arthritis/juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic sclerosis or dermatomyositis or polymyositis. These families also need to have a twin or sibling of the same gender (who is within 4 years of age of the person with one of these diseases) and who does not have an autoimmune disease. Enrollment is at the Clinical Center or in a local doctor's office. The study includes a thorough evaluation and compensation is available. For more information call 1-800-411-1222.

Gene Study Seeks Volunteers

Researchers at the University of Maryland are looking for volunteers willing to give their DNA a workout as part of an exercise study focusing on changes in blood pressure and other risk factors for cardiovascular disease. You must be a generally healthy, sedentary, non-diabetic male or postmenopausal female between 50-75 years of age. Participants receive a physical exam, cholesterol and diabetes blood tests, cardiovascular assessment and aerobic capacity tests, 6 months of supervised exercise training, diet analysis and nutrition counseling, body composition analysis and bone density measurements. A short telephone screening can determine initial eligibility. For more information contact Dr. Dana Phares or any Team Gene staff member at (301) 405-2571,

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