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Screening To Follow Talk on Mood Disorders Research

"New scientific findings have added a lot of weight to the mountain of evidence that mood disorders are medical conditions," says Dr. Husseini Manji, acting director of the NIMH Mood and Anxiety Disorders Program. "They're further debunking the unwarranted stigma, which is good news for people who suffer in silence."

On Thursday, Oct. 21, Manji, who also heads the NIMH Laboratory of Molecular Pathophysiology, will discuss the latest on what is known, and not known, about the causes and treatments of mood disorders; his talk is from 1:30-2:30 p.m. in Lipsett Amphitheater, Bldg. 10.

The lecture is intended to inform other NIH scientists and staff about current research, as well as encourage people who may be concerned about their own symptoms or those of a loved one to recognize the biological underpinnings of mood disorders and attend the upcoming depression screening. A question-and-answer session will follow the presentation.

The subsequent NIH staff screening, which is both anonymous and confidential, will take place 5 days later, on Tuesday, Oct. 26, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following locations:

  • Bldg. 31, Rm. B2-B57
  • Bldg. 10, OMS Clinic Rm. 6C-401
  • Neuroscience Center, Rm. 6213A
  • Bldg. 549, NCI-Frederick (Cafe Conf. Rm.)

Generally taking less than an hour, screening gives participants a chance to watch a 20-minute video about the signs and symptoms of mood disorders; complete a screening questionnaire; meet briefly with a mental health professional for results; and/or simply gather information.

People whose native language is not English and who will attend the Bldg. 10 site may request an interpreter for the screening by contacting Andrea Rander, (301) 496-1807, by Oct. 19.

To request sign-language interpretation or other reasonable accommodation, call (301) 435-1619 (TTY 301/480-0690) at least 5 days in advance. The screening questionnaire is also available in Braille, as are some publications.

Staff who cannot attend the event may contact the Employee Assistance Program to arrange for anonymous screenings through November, either in Bldg. 31 (301/496-3164) or in Frederick (301/846-1096).

For more information about either event, contact Sophia Glezos Voit at (301) 443-4533 or For privately sponsored screening sites, call (888) 442-2022 any time. This referral line is sponsored by Freedom From Fear, a nonprofit mental health organization.

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