Rural Utilities Programs

picture of boy drinking out of the water fountain.

Rural Utilities Programs provide rural business and households with modern telecommunications, electric power and water service. This includes bringing the information "superhighway" to rural America; guaranteeing affordable, more reliable electric power; and delivering safe, clean drinking water with environmentally sound wastewater disposal to rural areas.


WATER AND WASTE DISPOSAL LOAN AND GRANT PROGRAMS promote economic development in rural America by providing funds to build, repair and improve public water systems, and waste collection and treatment systems.

SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT GRANTS provide technical assistance and/or training to help communities reduce solid waste.

ELECTRIC AND TELECOMMUNICATION programs direct and guaranteed loans to non-profit organizations and public bodies for generation, bulk transmission facilities, distribution of electric power, enhancing 911 emergency service, digital switching equipment, and fiber optic cable.

DISTANCE LEARNING AND TELEMEDICINE loans and grants for the development and deployment of advanced telecommunication services throughout rural New York, including equipment for classrooms i.e. cameras, video monitors computers and LAN) and for physician consultation (i.e. radiology, x-ray scanners and digital microscopes).

WATER 2000 - This program is an ambitious undertaking to extend safe, dependable drinking water to the 1.4 million rural Americans who currently lack this service, and to the 2.4 million people who consistently experience health problems, dry or shallow drinking wells or face frequent orders to boil their drinking water. USDA has invested $300 million in loans and grants to the nation's highest priority Water 2000 projects. For more information about water 2000 contact David Miller, P.E., RUS Program Director at (315) 477-6427.

If you would like more information on any of the programs above, Contact the Rural Development office nearest you. 


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