
How to Contact an Arborist

Tree Health Guide

Arborists are professional men & woman who care for trees and other woody plants. A certified arborist is a specialist equipped to offer pruning, fertilizing, monitoring & treatment for insects and diseases, as well as tree planting, transplanting and removal. Consulting arborists specialize in diagnosing problems, recommending treatments, tree appraisals and suggesting where to obtain competent tree service.

  1. International Society of Arboriculture—The International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) created the website to provide the general public with quality arboriculture, or tree care, related information. ISA’s mission is to educate and help the public acquire an understanding of the importance and value of proper tree care. The treatment method used for a particular insect or disease problem will depend on the species involved, the extent of the problem, and a variety of other factors specific to the situation and local regulations.

  2. International Society of Arboriculture—Hispanic Page—La Sociedad Internacional de Arboricultura (ISA, por sus siglas en inglés) es una organización sin fines de lucro cuya misión es promover la práctica profesional de la arboricultura mediante la investigación, tecnología y educación, y fomentar una mayor conciencia pública acerca de los beneficios de los árboles.

  3. American Society of Consulting Arborists—Consulting arborists are called upon to advise in the most challenging situations that necessitate experience in the science and practice of arboriculture, as well as specific expertise in the practical, ethical and objective role of consultant.

    Consulting arborists can assist law firms, insurance companies, utilities, land developers, municipalities, landscape planners and architects, homeowners, individuals and organizations requiring authoritative knowledge and perspective on trees and plant life.

  4. Tree Care Industry Association—Established in 1938 as the National Arborist Association, the Tree Care Industry Association is dedicated to helping consumers learn more about proper tree care and hiring reputable tree care companies who use proper tree care techniques.

  5. Society of Municipal Arborists—Founded in 1964, the Society of Municipal Arborists is an organization of municipal arborists and urban foresters. Their membership also includes consultants, commercial firms and citizens who actively practice or support some facet of municipal forestry.

  6. Tree City USA bulletin #6—How to Hire an Arborist—Like any investment our trees require careful decisions and the occasional advice and service from a professional. In this Tree City USA bulletin, learn how you can judge when to call an arborist and how to select the right one.

Special note is designed to provide non-biased information to the general public with no intended endorsement of specific products, companies, or services. It is important members follow the published recommendations of their own respective State Cooperative Extension Service when considering pesticide, insecticide, fungicide, and herbicide recommendations for the care of trees and shrubs. You may decide to seek an organic, Plant Health Care (PHC) or Integrated Pest Management (IPM) solution to your problem. Questions related to cultural practices and issues not specifically covered by should always be referred to your local Cooperative Extension office, Certified Arborist, or local Nursery Professional. Questions concerning commercial orchards or tree crops should be referred to your local Extension Service.