Alabama Extension Water Quality Home Page Southern Region Extension Water Quality Program
Alabama Cooperative Extension System

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Tuskegee University
— Choose a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) —

Are all public drinking water utilities in the U.S. owned by cities and towns?


Are large-scale granular activated carbon (GAC) filters made from lignite coal as effective as those made from bituminous coal?


Are lead (Pb) chemicals contained in pipe scales on the inside of water pipes more likely to dissolve into drinking water when chloramines are used in place of chlorine for secondary disinfection?


Are measures being taken to protect public water distribution systems from terrorist threats?


Are public water distribution systems in the United States vulnerable to terrorist threats?


Are small public water systems at a disadvantage for infrastructure improvements in comparison to larger systems?


Are state environmental agencies involved in handling suspicious activities that could be terrorist type threats to public drinking water systems?


Are there any benefits to installing automatic hydrant flushing units on water distribution systems?


Are there situations where the chloramines used for secondary disinfection need to be removed from drinking water to make the water safe for specific uses?


Are there special customers who should be notified prior to a city changing from chlorine to chloramines for water disinfection?


Are zebra mussels a concern for drinking water utilities?


Based on all the media reports, tap water certainly doesn't sound safe, yet water suppliers say it's okay. Is it safe?


Can a community water system (CWS) install point of use (POU) or point of entry (POE) devices on individual households as a strategy to control system-wide contaminants?


Can a residential customer on a municipal water system get any adjustment on water rate for filling a swimming pool?


Can a residential water customer get an adjustment on past sewer charges if they repair a water pipe leak on their property?


Can biological de-nitrification (BD) be used to remove nitrate from drinking water supplies?


Can discolored water be related to the type of piping used by my public water system?


Can distribution line flushing cause water quality problems?


Can drinking water reservoirs develop manganese problems due to temperature stratification?


Can I count on my water meter reading to always be correct?


Can I get a separate water meter installed for the water I use in my swimming pool?


Can stagnation in potable drinking water storage tanks cause problems?


Can tap water be safer in one area of a community water system than another?


Can the build up and release of arsenic from pipes and storage tanks in public water distribution systems become a significant human health threat?


Can wastewater generated by the reverse osmosis process turn into a disposal problem for a drinking water treatment plant?


Can water treatment utilities use home water treatment devices to help them meet drinking water standards for their customers?


Do all major cities filter their drinking water?


Do I need to have my water analyzed if it is from a municipal (city) water source?


Do nitrifying bacteria perform a beneficial function in municipal drinking water treatment?


Do pet fish owners need to be concerned about their water utility changing from chlorine to chloramines for drinking water disinfection?

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This website was developed by the ACES Water Quality Team, under the leadership of Dr. James E. Hairston. It is funded, in part, by USDA-CSREES water quality grant support under Section 406 of the Agricultural Research, Extension and Education Reform Act of 1998.