Oregon State University

Institute for Water and Watersheds

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IWW Collaboratory

The collaboratory is a shared laboratory that provides Oregon State University and Oregon University System affiliates with access to low cost trace level, fresh water analysis instrumentation and procedures. Researchers can receive training on instrumentation and analyze samples themselves, or they can pay staff to run analyses for them.

Collaboratory Contact Information

Location: Corvallis Forest Sciences Laboratory, 3200 SW Jefferson Way, Room 379
Lab Phone: 541-758-8764
Lab Manager: Kathy Motter
Kathy's Contact Information

Please feel free to contact Kathy! She is happy to give tours of the collaboratory and is a great resource for analysis questions and advice.

The IWW's goals for the collaboratory are:

  • to encourage cooperative research,
  • to provide access to quality instrumentation dedicated to fresh water analyses,
  • to provide laboratory training opportunities, and
  • to help researchers minimize water analysis costs.

IWW launched the collaboratory in 2006 and this summer will be a time of growth and change. We have now moved the facility from temporary digs in Gilmore Hall to a more permanent location in the Forest Sciences Lab. Collaboratory Manager, Kathy Motter, is working hard to set up an inviting work space and to aquire a suite of equipment that will serve the needs of water researchers from across campus. If you are beginning a project or looking for analysis equipment - please contact Kathy. She is pleased to give tours of the facility, discuss analysis methods, and provide training. She may even be able to acquire new instrumentation specific for your needs.


Current Capabilities

The collaboratory's location in FSL includes two well-equipped lab rooms, an office workspace with computers for data download and analysis, and field supplies - check below for a complete list of instrumentation and capabilities. Fees are kept to a minimum but vary depending on the equipment needed and whether the investigator will perform the analyses themselves. Please contact the Collaboratory Manager, Kathy Motter, for more information.

Lab Instrumentation:

Photo of the lab.Current instrumentation includes:

  • Agilent 7890A Gas Chromatograph with Autosampler -
    • Capability: organic compounds, halocarbons, inorganic gases and more
      • Configured with ICD, TCD and FID detectors
      • GS-GASPRO, HP-PLOT-Q and HP-5msi columns on hand
      • Dual S/Sl Inlets
      • 6-port gas sampling valve
  • Dionex Ion Chromatograph (Dionex ICS-1500 with Autosampler)
    • Capability: IC separation using conductivity detection, carbonate eluent
      • Anions: fluoride, chloride, nitrite, bromide, nitrate, phosphate and sulfate
      • Cations: lithium, sodium, ammonium, potassium, magnesium and calcium (cations in fresh waters may be below detection limit of this instrument)
  • Shimadzu TOC-VSCH Combustion Carbon Analyzer (with Autosampler)
    • Capability: carbon analysis
      • Total and dissolved organic carbon
      • Inorganic carbon
      • Total carbon
  • Shimadzu UV-1700 UV-VIS Spectrophotometer (with computer interface)
      • Double Beam instrument with standard 10mm cuvette holder
  • Perkin-Elmer Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (Perkin-Elmer AAnalyst-100)
    • Capability: Flame Atomic Absorption
      • Base cations: sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium (other elements to be added as necessary)
  • Alpkem Flow Solution IV, AutoAnalyzer
    • Capability: nutrient analysis
      • ammonia-nitrogen, nitrate+nitrite-nitrogen, ortho phosphorus and silica
  • Peripheral Equipment
    • pH meter, conductivity meter, oven, balance, filtering equipment, sample bottle preparation, general lab use

Field Instrumentation:

  • YSI Data Sonde with Optical DO
  • YSI 30 Conductivity Meters
  • YSI 60 pH Meters
  • Onset Hobos
  • Filtering Kits
  • GeoPump

Photo of the computer work space.Computer/Analysis Instrumentation:

  • Windows computers with standard MS Office software and network capability for OSU account holders
  • Quiet workspace.

Other Details:

  • Collaboratory equipment can only be used with clean, fresh water samples so that we can maintain the equipment for trace level analysis.  If you have point source contaminates, chemically treated samples or sample matrices other than fresh water, we will help direct you to appropriate self-service or analytical facilities available on campus.
  • Standard concentrates, eluent and sample vials for all analyses are provided. 
  • Some glassware and sample bottles are available for use. 
  • Users are responsible for cleaning borrowed items using IWW cleaning protocols.  A fee will be charged for dirty glassware or clutter left in the lab.
  • General Laboratory Safety Protocols as required by Environmental Health and Safety must be followed at all times by all lab users.

Other equipment will be added to the laboratory over time.  If you have specific needs, please let us know - we hope this lab will be a valuable resource for you!