  • Highlander
  • 2WD 2.7L 4-Cyl.
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • optional
  • optional
  • available only as part of an option package
  • Highlander
  • 2WD 3.5L V6
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • optional
  • optional
  • available only as part of an option package
  • Highlander
  • 4WD 3.5L V6
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • optional
  • optional
  • available only as part of an option package
  • Highlander Sport
  • 2WD 3.5L V6
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • optional
  • not available
  • not available
  • optional
  • not available
  • standard
  • optional
  • not available
  • not available
  • optional
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • optional
  • standard
  • Highlander Sport
  • 4WD 3.5L V6
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • optional
  • standard
  • not available
  • optional
  • not available
  • standard
  • optional
  • not available
  • not available
  • optional
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • optional
  • standard
  • Highlander Limited
  • 2WD 3.5L V6
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • optional
  • optional
  • not available
  • not available
  • optional
  • not available
  • standard
  • optional
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • Highlander Limited
  • 4WD 3.5L V6
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • optional
  • optional
  • standard
  • not available
  • optional
  • not available
  • standard
  • optional
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • Highlander Hybrid
  • 4WD 3.3L V6 Hybrid
  • Highlander Hybrid Limited
  • 4WD 3.3L V6 Hybrid
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • optional
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard