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NINR Grantee Among 'Most Powerful'

This year's Modern Healthcare list of "the 100 most powerful people in healthcare" includes Dr. Linda Aiken — a grantee of the National Institute of Nursing Research — who placed 10th on the list of healthcare movers and shakers.

Aiken is director of the Center for Health Outcomes and Policy Research at the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, where she is also a professor and a nurse advocate who stresses the critical importance of care at the bedside.

"Our research has fundamentally changed the way people are thinking about the nursing shortage and its consequences," said Aiken. For example, in a recent NINR-supported study, Aiken and her associates were able to demonstrate empirically the link between nursing burnout and patient satisfaction. They noted that "changes in hospital nurses' work environments would appear to offer the opportunity to simultaneously improve patient satisfaction and stabilize the nurse workforce."

"Placing 10th in a field of nearly 10,000 nominees is a positive reflection of Dr. Aiken's scholarship and leadership in nursing research — particularly in patient safety, nurse staffing and quality," said Dr. Patricia Grady, director of NINR. "We are proud of Dr. Aiken's achievements and value the research she has done with NINR as we work together to improve the health and well-being of our citizens. "

According to Modern Healthcare, nearly 180,000 votes were cast.

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