The Authentic Almond Project

California-grown raw almonds are no longer raw, following enactment of a new federal rule. The USDA mandate requires raw almonds to be sanitized using treatment processes that the industry generously describes as “pasteurization.”

The rule requires sanitation of almonds with a toxic fumigant or treatment with high-temperature heat. The scheme imposes significant financial burdens on small-scale and organic growers, lacks scientific justification, damages domestic almond markets, and does not address the unsustainable methods used on the industrial-scale almond orchards where the only two documented Salmonella outbreaks have occurred. And the treated almonds can still be deceptively labeled as “raw!”

We are now coordinating a legal challenge to the raw almond treatment mandate. A lawsuit seeking to overturn the almond pasteurization rule was filed on Sept. 9, 2008 in the Washington, D.C. federal court. Fifteen almond farmers and handlers are plaintiffs in the complaint (click here to view the news release announcing the lawsuit).

We believe we have compelling legal arguments and a strong lawsuit. It is our opinion that the USDA exceeded its regulatory authority in imposing the raw almond treatment. Even if the agency has the authority, its badly bungled its enactment. The legal team assembled by Cornucopia is working hard to successfully make the case.

But to be successful, the legal effort will need help from all who want to preserve the right to truly raw, authentic almonds grown in the United States.

You can:

  • Contact your retailers and ask them to support the legal challenge preserving the right to truly raw, authentic almonds grown by American farmers. If they need more information, they can contact
  • The Cornucopia Institute has prepared a comprehensive fact sheet detailing the broad range of problems and concerns associated with the USDA’s almond pasteurization plan. Click here to view the Almond Fact Sheet.
  • You can also help spread the word by wearing and displaying your support for truly raw almonds. Visit our merchandise page for a selection of various items. A portion of the proceeds will help underwrite the Authentic Almond Project.

The Cornucopia Institute had been working to forge a reasonable compromise with the USDA and the Almond Board of California.

Late last year, we proposed a plan allowing for the sale of untreated American grown almonds with a warning label. The warning label would allow for continued freedom of choice in the marketplace and it allow those marketers who want the option of continuing to “fumigate” or “steam treat” raw almonds.

The warning label approach is something that is already done for other foods sold in the U.S., such as some fresh, unpasteurized fruit juices.

We also proposed a treatment exemption for organic growers. We have been told by our farmer and member sources that the domestic organic almond industry is dying because of this rule.

Organic producers have never been implicated in any of the past salmonella problems associated with almonds. Organic growers have their own set of mandatory protocols and best management practices that are employed in their orchards that substantially lower the salmonella contamination risk.

An exemption for organic growers would greatly diminish the harm that is being caused to these farmers who are losing tens of thousands of dollars in lost sales to imported raw almonds which are exempt from any pasteurization treatment.

But this compromise proposal has now been rejected by the USDA and Almond Board, despite our mutual discussions. With the collapse of this proposal, we have turned our attention to a legal challenge.

Please join us in this effort.

SPECIAL NOTE: Your financial contribution is voluntary but as a public-interest charity we hope you will support this campaign that protects the livelihood of small and medium size family almond growers and fights for the right of consumers to choose authentic and truly fresh food in the marketplace. Please click on the Donate link on Cornucopia’s navigation bar if you are interested in making a donation from our secure webpage.