  • Sienna CE
  • 7-Passenger 3.5L V6
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • optional
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • available only as part of an option package
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • available only as part of an option package
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • available only as part of an option package
  • available only as part of an option package
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • Sienna CE
  • 8-Passenger 3.5L V6
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • optional
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • available only as part of an option package
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • available only as part of an option package
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • available only as part of an option package
  • available only as part of an option package
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • Sienna LE
  • 7-Passenger 3.5L V6
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • optional
  • available only as part of an option package
  • optional
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • available only as part of an option package
  • available only as part of an option package
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • available only as part of an option package
  • available only as part of an option package
  • available only as part of an option package
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • Sienna LE
  • 8-Passenger 3.5L V6
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • optional
  • available only as part of an option package
  • optional
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • available only as part of an option package
  • available only as part of an option package
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • available only as part of an option package
  • available only as part of an option package
  • available only as part of an option package
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • Sienna XLE
  • 7-Passenger 3.5L V6
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • available only as part of an option package
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • optional
  • optional
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • available only as part of an option package
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • available only as part of an option package
  • available only as part of an option package
  • standard
  • standard
  • available only as part of an option package/optional
  • Sienna Limited
  • 7-Passenger 3.5L V6
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • available only as part of an option package
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • optional
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • optional
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • Sienna LE
  • AWD 7-Passenger 3.5L V6
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • optional
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • available only as part of an option package
  • available only as part of an option package
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • available only as part of an option package
  • standard
  • optional
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • Sienna XLE
  • AWD 7-Passenger 3.5L V6
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • available only as part of an option package
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • optional
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • available only as part of an option package
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • optional
  • standard
  • standard
  • available only as part of an option package/optional
  • Sienna Limited
  • AWD 7-Passenger 3.5L V6
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • available only as part of an option package
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • optional
  • not available
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • not available
  • not available
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard
  • not available
  • standard
  • optional
  • standard
  • standard
  • standard