United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

National Anesthesia Service

Hiring & Recruiting

Physician / Nurse Anesthetist Hiring - How To Get Your Jobs Posted On the Internet.

There are a few places interested external candidates are likely to look on the Internet for information about government/VA jobs. To increase our market saturation when recruiting for physicians and CRNAs you need to make sure your Human Resources contact gets your jobs posted to the Internet.

The 2 sites are

http://www.vacareers.va.gov   and


From conversation with our HR contacts here in Seattle, your HR people should already have the required access to be able to directly enter your recruitments onto these two web sites.

The next recruitment you do, please ask your HR representative to post the job to the two web sites. There may be some resistance to doing this but we could use the exposure. In addition to the exposure it helps us show Central Office our recruiting problems. When Central Office asks us for data about our recruiting challenges it is to these web sites they go to check out what we tell them.

If your HR representative is unsure about how to do this please contact Doug Rotter, NAS Program Specialist with the person's name and he will follow up with them. ( douglas.rotter@med.va.gov or 206-764-2584).