Your Career in the U.S. Government Starts Here!
Studentjobs.gov provides information on thousands of Federal Government job opportunities. There is no charge for using Studentjobs.gov and users are not required to pre-register to look for a job.
Studentjobs.gov gives the maximum flexibility in performing one-stop employment information searches. It's convenient, user-friendly, accessible to persons with disabilities, and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. |
Ready to land the Federal job that's right for you? Just follow these three simple steps: |
Set up your My Studentjobs.gov account to:
Create & post resumesAttract employersHave jobs emailed to you |
Just enter your desired job information and search the database of thousands of jobs. Use your resume to apply online instantly. |
Get all the information and advice you need on obtaining a job in the Government. |
Employment Information Learn more about employment opportunities, initiatives, and issues by browsing our employment information sheets. |