Geothermal Heat Pump Consortium



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Hardhat    Need a professional?  Click here to search by State or Province, or click on the Find A Pro tab above  to see all the GeoExchange Directory categories, including Manufacturers, Utilities, Architects and Engineers.  You can also search alphabetically on the Directory to find a specific company by name.
New Federal Tax Credits !


Good News !  The "Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008" created new Federal tax credits for homeowners and businesses who install geothermal heat pump systems.  The tax credit is up to $2,000 for homeowners, and the new tax credit for businesses starts October 3, 2008. 

Geothermal - GeoExchange

     Geothermal / GeoExchange® heating and cooling uses the relatively constant temperature of the earth to heat and cool homes and businesses with 40% to 70% less energy than conventional systems. While conventional furnaces and boilers burn a fuel to generate heat, geothermal heat pumps use electricity to simply move heat from the earth into buildings, allowing much higher efficiencies. The most efficient fuel-burning heater can reach efficiencies around 95%, but a geothermal heat pump can move up to 4 units of heat for every unit of electricity needed to power the system, resulting in a practical equivalence of over 400% efficiency. To learn more about GeoExchange, select a topic from the Geothermal menu above.

Training / Events

Anytime/Anywhere:  Online Courses:  Fundamentals of Geothermal Systems / Residential Design

January 13 - 15  New York:  Accredited Installer Certification
January 20 - 22  California:  Accredited Installer Certification
January 20 - 22  New Jersey:  Accredited Installer Certification
January 20 - 21  California:  Planning and Designing Systems
January 26 - 28  Pennsylvania:  Accredited Drillers Training
January 29 - 30  Connecticut:  Planning and Designing Systems
February 5 - 7    New Hampshire:  IGSHPA Accreditation Course
February 11 - 13 Oklahoma:  Accredited Installer Workshop
February 12 Oklahoma:  Certified GeoExchange Designer
March 26 - 27  New Hampshire:  Geothermal Heat  Pump Installation

GeoExchange Forum - Visit Today !


Forums provide the opportunity to view and/or join discussions on topics of interest with anyone else who visits the same forum.

The GeoExchange Forum includes a General Discussion area, as well as discussions about Federal and State legislative and regulatory activities. To see what it's all about, click on

Join Our Industry !

Geothermal heating and air conditioning is rapidly growing throughout North America.  Interested in joining us?  Engineers and system designers can become Certified GeoExchange® Designers through the Association of Energy Engineers with training provided by the International Ground Source Heat Pump Association.

Heating and air conditioning contractors, drilling companies and excavators can expand business opportunities by taking IGSHPA Accredited Installer Training or IGSHPA Accredited Driller Training. This training also includes training in heat fusion of high density polyethylene (HDPE) geothermal pipe and fitting.

For more information, contact AEE at IGSHPA at


Click this link to connect to a database of incentives for renewable energy.

A variety of incentives are available for geothermal heat pump systems, including tax credits or deductions, rebates, special financing, and special electric rates. While there are no Federal incentives available at the present time, each State sets their own priorities and incentives for renewable energy and energy efficiency. The Interstate Renewable Energy Council maintains the Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency, so be sure to check for programs in your State.

In addition, many electric utilities provide assistance with geothermal heat pump systems, including rebates, special electric rates, or assistance with finding qualified contractors to design and install your system. So be sure to call you local electric utility and ask for their energy efficiency or renewable energy department.
What's In A Name ??

GeoExchange, geothermal, ground source, water source, earth source, earth energy, and on and on.

What do they all mean ?

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