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Potential Energy Efficiency Savings in the Agriculture Sector

Elizabeth Brown and R. Neal Elliott

April 2005


This report outlines the methodology and results for a study of the potential cost and energy savings available from energy efficiency in the agriculture sector nationally and in several states. The methodology described leads to a conservative estimate of 1 billion dollars per year. The largest savings are available in the motor system (especially irrigation pumping), onsite transportation, and lighting energy end-uses. We also discuss the extreme conservative nature of the potential savings and how the estimates could be improved with the collection of more detailed data in specific areas, primarily increased understanding of energy use on the farm and measured impacts of energy-efficient technology and practice upgrades. Nevertheless, the savings potential amounts to 10 percent of total energy expenses for the sector nationwide and 35 percent savings based on only characterized energy end-uses and deserve a closer look and better data collection.

View full report as a PDF or click to order hard copy.

22 pp., 2005, $16.00, IE053

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