The Pacific Northwest Seismic Network

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Welcome to the PNSN Seismology Lab


The Seismology Lab is the center of operations for the Pacific Northwest Seismograph Network (PNSN). Click on the picture to enter the tour, or click on any of the following pictures to skip ahead

What causes an earthquake?
How do we locate earthquakes?
Equipment used here in the lab
Volcanoes in the Cascades

The virtual tour was created by PNSN student helpers T.J. Becerra, J.P. Luthe, and Derek Folger with contributions from PNSN Staff members Tony Qamar, Bill Steele, George Thomas, Amy Wright and Ruth Ludwin

This is file /SEIS/PNSN/OUTED/VIRTTOURS/virttours2.html, last modified 03/29/07