The Pacific Northwest Seismic Network

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Real-Time Information Products

What is a "Real-Time" Information Product?

The Pacific Northwest Seismograph Network currently operates about 200 seismograph stations in Washington and Oregon. These stations stream over 500 channels of ground motion data to the University of Washington through a variety of means. Computers in the Seismology Lab assemble all data so a number of programs can access the information to locate earthquakes, estimate magnitude, determine the strength of ground motion, and perform other tasks. Products produced by these processes are called "real-time" information products because they can be developed automatically from data arriving at UW at near light speeds. Below are links to a variety of real-time information products developed by the PNSN and the USGS from our data. Some of these products are currently "real-time" generated; others are near real-time, still requiring some work by our seismologists to produce. Most of these will be automated in the future when funding becomes available to develop the needed software.

  • Latest Quakes - Maps and information about recent earthquake activity in the Pacific Northwest.

  • Webicorders Digital Seismograms which are redrawn every 2 to 5 minutes to show ground motion at seismograph stations across the region.

  • ShakeMap - ShakeMap displays the instrument-measured intensity of ground shaking produced by earthquakes. (Not yet implemented as a "real-time" product in the Pacific Northwest)

  • CIIM - Community Internet Intensity Map also known as "Did you feel it?" computes and displays shaking from felt reports submitted online. Intensities are averaged by zip code and displayed on a map.

  • Volcano Quakes - Links to summaries of earthquake activity at Cascade Volcanoes. (Updated Daily)

  • RACE - Rapid Alerts for Cascadia Earthquakes is a pager-PC combination for displaying a "Latest Earthquakes" page. For emergency managers and 24-hour operations centers.

  • IRIS- Clickable world-wide earthquake information from world-wide stations
  • This is file /SEIS/PNSN/INFO_GENERAL/realtimeproducts.html,
    UW Logo ESS Logo last modified 12/02/02