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What are the differences between JRE 1.4.2 and 5.0?

This article applies to:
  • JRE version(s):

The noted differences between JRE 1.4.2_xx and J2SE 5.0 are in the following areas:
  1. Java Control Panel
  2. Performance Enhancement
  3. Features
  4. Security Enhancements

  1. Java Control Panel

  2. Java Runtime Environment 5.0 has undergone major changes in the Look and Feel of the Java control Panel.
    • A newer Proxy Settings interface: It now has a similar interface as Internet Explorer Internet Options.

Network Settings dialog
    • Advanced Settings: A new tab, Advanced, is added that lists a number of advanced settings such as Logging, Tracing, Desktop Integration, JNLP Settings etc.

Java Control Panel showing Advanced tab
    • Temporary Internet Files: Selectively helps to delete a specific application or applet from the cache.

Temporary Files Settings dialog showing View Applications
    • Integration of Java Web Start: The Java Web Start is integrated into the Java Control Panel and does not appear on the desktop.

Integration of Java Web Start
  1. Performance Enhancement

  2. Applets and applications written with Java technology will load, run faster, and consume less memory when used with JRE 5.0.
  3. Features

    • Support for 64-bit AMD Opteron: AMD Opteron processors are now supported by the Server VM on Suse Linux and on Windows 2003.
    • Improved Diagnostic Ability: This feature provides better stack trace when applets and applications crash or hang.

  4. Security Enhancements

  5. This release provides:
    • Better support for security tokens
    • Support for more security standards (SASL, OCSP, TSP)
    • Enhanced security for the applets running in browsers or for the application

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