
Java in Action Downloads Help Center

General Questions


The latest version of Java is 6.0. Did I miss out on the other versions?

This article applies to:
  • JRE version(s):

No. You have not missed any intermediate versions of Java. The previous versions of Java was 1.4.2, and J2SE 5.0. The latest version of Java is now named Java 6.0

Java technology was introduced 9 years ago and it's been over 6 years since the introduction of J2SE (Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition), the 2nd generation Java platform. This release has been renamed 6.0 rather than 1.6.0 to better reflect the level of maturity, stability, scalability and security built into J2SE.

With more than 100 new features, Java 6.0 technology delivers a richer experience for end users on desktop PCs.

For information on Java, see What is the difference between JRE and J2SE platform?

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