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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

Mount Rainier, Washington
Educational Outreach

2008 Teachers Workshop

  • Living with a Volcano in your Backyard -- Mount Rainier 2008 Teachers Workshop
    -- Come spend a lovely few summer days at the Park with U.S. Geological Survey scientists and Park educators. The workshop will be a mix of content, curriculum activities, and field experiences. This workshop is designed for middle school teachers who teach about volcanoes, volcanic processes, products, and hazards. The interdisciplinary curriculum focuses on the science of Cascade Volcanoes in general and the specifics of Mount Rainier volcano and the hazards associated with living in its shadow. Participating teachers will receive curriculum materials and additional resources to use with their students.

Educators Guide Now Online !!!!

  • Living with a Volcano in your Backyard -- An Educator's Guide with Emphasis on Mount Rainier
    -- Driedger, Doherty, and Dixon, (Project Coordinators), 2005, USGS and NPS, General Interest Publication 19.
    Living with a Volcano in your Backyard -- An Educator's Guide with Emphasis on Mount Rainier is a three-unit guide that provides science content and inquiry-based activities about volcanoes of the Cascade Range, with emphasis placed on Mount Rainier. Activities are designed for middle school students. Adaptations and extensions offer learning opportunites for students in higher and lower grade levels. This guide includes more than 30 activities, a field guide to geological sites of interest at Mount Rainier National Park, glossary, list of Internet resources, and supplementary information. Components of the guide will posted in PDF format as they are completed

Special Features and Useful Pages

  • Mount Rainier Volcano
    -- a brief description of Mount Rainier and the volcano's geographic setting and geologic and eruptive history

  • Mount Rainier Hazards Assessment Report - 1998
    -- Hoblitt,, 1998, Volcano Hazards from Mount Rainier, Washington, Revised 1998: USGS Open-File Report 98-428.
    This report (1) explains the various types of hazardous geologic phenomena that could occur at Mount Rainier, (2) shows areas that are most likely to be affected by the different phenomena, (3) estimates the likelihood that the areas will be affected, and (4) recommends actions that can be taken to protect lives and property. It builds upon and revises a similar document prepared by D.R. Crandell in 1973. Our revision was motivated by the availability of new information about Mount Rainier's geologic history, by advances in the field of volcanology, and by the need to assess hazards in a more quantitative manner than in Crandell's pioneering report.

  • Mount Rainier Hazards "Posters"
    -- Four "Poster-Style" Maps to download covering the hazards of Mount Rainier; "Osceola and Electron Mudflows"; "Lava and Pyroclastic Flow Hazards"; "Lahar Hazards"; "Ashfall Hazards"

  • Mount Rainier Videos
    -- Videos available through the Northwest Interpretive Association

  • Mount Rainier Teachers Workshop, 2004 - Candids !!!

  • Annotated NASA Image [80K,InlineJPG]: Mount Rainier, Washington, September 1994
    -- NASA Photo, courtesy NASA Earth From Space; Modified with text by USGS/CVO.

  • Living With Volcanic Risk in the Cascades
    -- Dzurisin,, 1997, USGS Fact Sheet 165-97.
    This two-page report is available in HTML or PDF format and includes brief information on each of the major Cascade Range Volcanoes, including Mount Rainier.

  • Preparing for The Next Eruption in the Cascades
    -- 1994, USGS Open-File Report 94-485.
    This report is in HTML format with inlined or thumbnail graphics and gives a brief description of how the USGS monitors volcanoes.

  • Visit A Volcano - Mount Rainier National Park
    -- Information, History, Maps, Park Links, Recreation Links, etc.

Other Menus of Interest

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04/22/08, Lyn Topinka