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The Volcanic Homepage

last updated April 10, 1997
Dr. Jonathan Dehn
Geological Survey of Japan, Hokkaido Branch
Wischhof Str. 1-3, 24148 Kiel

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News- Photos- Animations- Reference- Volcanologists- JVH- Models- Links

This page is part of an ongoing project to model volcanic eruptions using a computer. This also means that this page is constantly undergoing changes. The research is funded by the Japanese Science and Technology Agency, the Geological Survey of Japan, and the National Science Foundation. The models here are available for everyone, but please be careful when using them. Keep in mind they represent only a possible scenario, and are not designed for use by the public for public volcanic hazard prediction or mitigation. For more information on safety, please read the Safety Report

Regular Features
[News] Volcanic Homepage News
New additions and current omissions to this Web page.
[Japan]Current Eruptions in Japan, courtesy of the VRC and ERI in Tokyo.
[Photo] The Volcanic Photo Gallery
Photos of volcanoes and volcanic land forms from around the world. UPDATED 12-December 1996
[Anim] Volcanic Animations
Animations, sounds, and movies of volcanoes.
[V-Volc] The Virtual Volcano COMING SOON
A volcanic tour through aspects of eruptions and volcanology (Frames and Java required).

Professional Features
[JVH] Journal of the Volcanic Homepage
On-line publication of volcanic literature. Abstracts and poster presentations from various meetings. This feature will expand to include short reviewed articles.
[Reference] Reference Materials on Volcanic Eruptions
Suggested reading and the Volcanic Homepage bibliographic database.
[List] Guide to Volcanologists on the Internet
[Safety] Safety Recommendations for Volcanologists and the Public
The report of the IAVCEI safety Sub-Committee, originally printed in the Bulletin of Volcanology, volume 56, pages 151-154.

Current Models
[Petro] Simple Petrographic models
Programs for simple petrology as well as addresses and links to other sources
[First] First Order Volcanic Models
Physical models of one aspect of an eruption as well as utility programs
[V-Soft] Complete Eruption Type Models
One type of volcano, e.g. Cinder Cone, Lava Dome, etc...

Short List of Links to other Volcano Sites
or go to the

IAVCEI Home Page
Global Volcanism Program
Volcano World
Hawaiian Volcano Observatory
EOS Volcanology Team
Cascades Volcano Observatory
The Electronic Volcano
Alaskan Volcano Observatory
MTU Volcanoes Page
Nordic Volcanological Institute
Volcano Systems Center
UK Volcanologist's Homepage
Volcano Research Center, Tokyo
D. Johnson's Volcanic Activity
Volcaniclastic Processes

Email You can reach me by e-mail at: jdehn@gsj.go.jp Blue Ribbon

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