The Pacific Northwest Seismic Network

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Three Sisters

Latest Earthquakes near Three Sisters

NEW! Annual Time-Depth Plot of events near Three Sisters

Epicenter map and time vs. depth plots for earthquakes near Three Sisters in the last decade.

Webicorder Records.

Mount Adams | Mount Baker | Crater Lake | Glacier Peak | Mount Hood | Mount Rainier | Mount St. Helens | Three Sisters

Three Sisters Seismicity Information

Cascade Volcano Locations and 4,000 year Eruption Summary

In addition to locating regional earthquakes, the Pacific Northwest Seismograph Network (PNSN), in cooperation with the Cascades Volcano Observatory, is also responsible for monitoring seismic activity at volcanoes in the Pacific Northwest. The PNSN currently operates seismometers on or near several other Cascade volcanoes. Click a volcano name on the above menu to go directly to its' PNSN webpage.

Updated whenever new events are located near Three Sisters


Leave us your comments or questions about our web material. We will respond (when time allows).

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University of Washington Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences, Box 351310, Seattle, WA 98195-1310
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