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We have put new mechanisms into place to ensure that all of our students have the best possible chance of doing well in our program. While we especially want to work to retain students from minority and other under-represented groups, we do not want to set up programs that single out any particular group of students. All programs are available for all students.

Mentoring Program for First-year Graduate students:

This program was instituted this year and is already successful. Most Biology Students rotate through multiple labs before choosing a research lab. Once they have joined a lab, usually by the end of the second semester, their graduate research advisor serves as mentor, together with the advisory committee with which regular meetings are required for all students). To provide closer mentoring for new students in the critical time when they are beginning their graduate studies, all first-year Biology graduate students are assigned a faculty mentor who serves until they choose a research lab. The faculty mentor meets with the student every few weeks to discuss academic progress and any problems related to their transition to graduate school. We solicit feedback from the courses early in the first semester, so that any potential academic problems can be addressed early on.

Alternative Curricular Tracks in MBG:

The MBG core curriculum in the first year consists of rigorous and uniform wide-based training in genetics, molecular biology, and biochemistry essential for all fields of specialization encompassed within MBG. We have found that even though they all have demonstrated research potential, not all of our incoming students from smaller undergraduate institutions may have the breadth of academic background that best prepares them for our program. We have instituted a multi-track curriculum that will provide all students with the optimum path through the core. All students can select from four curricular tracks. Alternate tracks provide additional work in needed areas before entry into the core course for that topic. A key function of the faculty mentor will be to work with the student to determine which is the best track. The alternate tracks are designed so students maintain identity with their class, important for morale, and where possible to maintain the normal flow of the program.

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