It is unsettling that The Bee editorialized on the complex negotiations between the Rumsey Band of Wintun Indians and Yolo County over our planned Cache Creek Destination Resort project without ever contacting the tribe.

Last week President-elect Barack Obama was asked to respond to critics who say that his stimulus plan won't do enough to help the economy. Obama answered that he wants to hear ideas about "how to spend money efficiently and effectively to jump-start the economy."
California's economy is in the tank, the victim of a worldwide recession. While economic woes have affected many state and local governments, the Golden State has been hit particularly hard. This paper reported a loss of 2.6 million jobs nationally in 2008. The numbers for California are just as bad, if not worse, and forecasts show that unemployment in the Sacramento region will reach 10 percent this year.
Rich Lowry
President Bush infamously couldn't or (more likely) wouldn't identify mistakes he'd made during his presidency at a 2004 press conference. In a newly self-reflective mood in his twilight hours in the White House, Bush has opened up about what went wrong.
Sacramento atheist Michael Newdow, best known for his obsession with banning the words "under God," from the Pledge of Allegiance, has filed a federal lawsuit to stop the use of the phrase "so help me God," in the presidential oath of office to be administered at President-elect Barack Obama's swearing-in ceremony on Jan. 20. He also wants to ban the invocation and benediction prayers.

We're looking for well-written pieces that make people think or that provide new insight into a familiar problem. Write 650-850 words. Use this form to submit the article. If we want it, we'll call you within five working days. The Bee is not accepting applications to be a regular columnist at this time.
George F. Will
Last November, 13,402,566 California voters expressed themselves for or against Proposition 8, which said that their state's constitution should be amended to define marriage as a relationship between a man and a woman. The voters, confident that they had a right to decide this question by referendum, endorsed Proposition 8 by a margin of 52.3 percent to 47.7 percent.
On the opening day of Congress, the elevator deposited me on the fifth floor of the Longworth House Office Building, where, as I expected, the parties celebrating the hard-fought November election victories had spilled out of the offices and filled the corridor with revelry worthy of New Year's Eve.
As the nation navigates through the most perilous straits it has seen since the 1930s, policy-makers are looking back to the '30s to see which of the paths that Depression-era America embarked upon actually led toward recovery. Well, some of our policy-makers. Others, it seems, have seized upon the very policies that deepened the Depression and are repackaging them as solutions for our time.
George F. Will
In America's ever-more-democratic society, egalitarianism seeps into everything, even the supposedly severe meritocracy of sport.

Excerpts from recent editorials in newspapers in the United States and abroad:

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