Disabled rights advocates are suing the city of Los Angeles, contending special-needs residents have been overlooked in its disaster response plan.

Three young men, including a 17-year-old, are facing trial for last year's execution-style slayings of a teen couple at an old Mojave Desert military bunker used as a hangout.

The $2 million battle between the haves and the have-a-lots over who gets to use access gates to enter their luminary-studded enclave is over - for now.

A task force targeting graffiti vandals raided 174 locations and arrested 51 people in the San Gabriel Valley and Whittier.

Authorities say a woman is dead after a Union Pacific freight train crashed into her sport utility vehicle on railroad tracks in Palmdale.

A small earthquake has rattled Northern California.

A reputed gang member charged with shooting and wounding eight people including five children last year at a crowded South Los Angeles bus stop has been ordered to stand trial.

San Jose's police chief and the city are being sued over the number of arrests for public drunkenness made in the city.

The state's budget crunch is being blamed for pushing back plans to ease the commute for drivers who use the Caldecott Tunnel.

An 82-year-old woman is missing from an Orange County assisted living home, and a sheriff's official calls her disappearance "highly suspicious."

A pilot walked away after his single-engine plane crashed into a Santa Ynez Valley oak tree.

Marine commanders have extended an order making it very tough for Camp Pendleton Marines and sailors to visit Mexico.

Prosecutors have cleared six San Diego police officers of any wrongdoing in the fatal shooting of a San Carlos man last year.

Five more lawsuits have been filed against Metrolink for the commuter train crash that killed 25 people last September.

About 50 people were evacuated from their homes after the parents of the former transit police officer arrested on charges of shooting an unarmed man found two suspicious packages on their porch.

A Carlsbad man arrested for allegedly stealing the purse of a pregnant woman killed in a wreck will not be charged.

Police fingerprint examiners whose errors falsely implicated two people in crimes have been linked with 945 other cases that police said must be reviewed to ensure their accuracy.

Southbound Highway 110 was shut down for more than four hours after a 25-year-old man died and another man was injured in a vehicle rollover just north of downtown Los Angeles.

A 20-year-old woman has pleaded guilty to charges related to the carjacking of former state Senate leader Don Perata and an armed robbery that left a 10-year-old boy paralyzed.

A hospital and nursing home founded to care for actors and other entertainment industry workers will close this year because of heavy financial losses, the Motion Picture & Television Fund said Wednesday.

Mourners shared tearful embraces Wednesday amid a pile of flowers, candles and teddy bears - tokens of condolence to the family of a 4-year-old boy killed in the crossfire of an apparent gang-related shooting.

A South County man who killed his girlfriend by throwing her off a balcony in front of her young daughter has been sentenced to 15 years to life in prison.

Gov. Jim Gibbons on Thursday outlines a two-year budget that will propose what no Nevada spending plan in recent memory has suggested - spending less in a coming two-year budget cycle than the amount approved for a current one.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Thursday called California's massive deficit a "rock upon our chest" and said the state can address no other policy issues until the fiscal crisis is resolved.

Sonoma County water officials are warning residents that mandatory water rationing might be need later this year if the area doesn't get more rain soon.

Homicide detectives on Wednesday detailed evidence they would have used to bring charges of a second murder against Japanese businessman Kazuyoshi Miura if he hadn't hanged himself in jail soon after being brought to California to face allegations that he conspired to kill his wife three decades ago.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has hired a campaign manager for his 2010 re-election campaign.

In a Jan. 12 story about a snagged fishing net that became a trap for marine life, The Associated Press wrongly described the contents of scuba tanks used by divers who sliced the net from a sunken trawler. The tanks were filled with a special mix of nitrogen and oxygen used to decrease the risk of developing decompression sickness. The tanks did not contain nitrous oxide.

Leaders of California's politically powerful Indian tribes are pressing the incoming Obama administration to appoint more American Indians to the federal judiciary.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid defended a proposed mob museum in his home state on Wednesday, but said contrary to Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman's wishes that it wouldn't be paid for in the upcoming economic stimulus plan.

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