Calling for "a year of political courage," Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger asked for nothing in his State of the State address today except a solution to California's deepening budget woes.

President-Elect Obama has released the names of donors to his inaugural committee. Among them are more than 1,000 California residents who gave roughly $8 million to help pay for the inauguration. Two employees of a Sacramento political consulting firm ranked among the top donors, giving $50,000 each. See who contributed and how much.
Assembly Speaker Karen Bass used hers to fund voter registration efforts to elect more Democrats. Former Senate President Pro Tem Don Perata used his to bolster his legal defense fund. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger used his to pay for his political operation for the last two years.
The medical director of the Sacramento County jail system was arrested Wednesday on suspicion of writing unauthorized OxyContin prescriptions, possibly for his own use, authorities said.
Flor Gutierrez has a bird's eye view of how immigrants – 37 percent of California's labor force – are reacting so far to a punishing recession.
The perfect ski season would include tons of powder snow that fell from sunny skies and never covered the roads. And don't forget the bull market and flourishing economy.


It took three overtime periods and a 20-foot shot by John Salmons to do it, but the Kings beat the Golden State Warriors and walked away with a rare road victory Wednesday night.


"Shared sacrifice" looks at the interest groups whose demands have contributed to the deadlock over California's budget crisis. Today: A big union puts (some of) its members first.


They can be big, old and mysterious, a river denizen that continues to intrigue people drawn to the creature that roams the Sacramento River and other waters now much as it has for eons.

Our coverage of Barack Obama's historic swearing in as the nation's 44th president includes news, photos and video.

  • Live blog by The Bee's Ed Fletcher as he goes to Washington
  • Twitter: See what they're saying
  • Local and national news
  • Interactive graphic: The Obama Cabinet
  • This weekend: Get news on the inaugural preparations and parties
  • Sunday: Our special commemorative section appears in the newspaper and online
  • Tuesday: Live coverage throughout the day

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