Kentucky Women in Agriculture, Inc.
Empowering Women Through Education, Involvement, & Action
Previous Conferences & Activities
Membership Information
Officer & Delegate Information
Scholarship Information
Upcoming Events
2008 Conference Information
Contact Us

The mission of Kentucky Women in Agriculture, Inc. is to empower women through education, invovlement, and action.

Our broad goals include:
  • Promoting Kentucky women in agriculture.
  • Promoting agriculture in Kentucky.
  • Creating a cooperative feeling among women in agriculture and striving for good fellowship and integrity of the membership as a whole.
  • Protecting the best interest of our members.
  • Communicating with one another and with other consumers to promote agricultural products and services for the benefit of Kentuckians and the world.  

If you would like information on how to join this organization, please visit the membership section of this website or contact any officer or district delegate.



