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Rural/Natural Amenities

The attraction of new people, whether as vacationers or residents, is an increasingly important source of rural economic vitality. As part of its research on rural and natural amenities, ERS works to identify the landscape, climate, cultural and other features that draw new people to rural areas and examines the consequences for local communities. Since half of the Nation's land is farmland, agriculture and conservation practices and policies are an important part of this research.


Farm Programs, Natural Amenities, and Rural Development—Despite near record payments in 1999-2000, counties with high farm payments lost substantial population in 1998-2003. The explanation for continued population loss in these counties does not lie in the health of the farm economy, but in their remoteness and lack of natural amenities.

Natural Amenities Drive Rural Population Change—Over the past 30 years, rural population and employment change have highly related to natural amenities, as measured by a scale based on climate, topography, and water area (lakes, ponds, and ocean front).

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