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The European Union (EU) is comprised of 27 countries with a population of nearly half a billion people. In the past, the EU was a large net importer of U.S. agricultural products but recently it became a large net exporter to the United States. The EU is also an important U.S. competitor in world agricultural markets. ERS economists analyze EU commodity production, consumption, and trade, with special attention to agricultural policy reforms, EU enlargement, and issues affecting U.S. trade, as well as analysis of Eastern Europe and former member states of the Soviet Union.


European Union Adopts Significant Farm Reform—The EU continued to reform its Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in 2003-05, building on earlier reforms enacted since 1992. The latest reforms move to fully decoupled payments through a single farm payment, which has important implications for World Trade Organization negotiations and EU farmers' decisions on what to produce.

EU Enlargement: Implications for the New Member Countries, the United States, and World Trade—This report presents a medium-term forecast of the changes that EU enlargement will bring to commodity production and trade in Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, the enlarged EU, the United States, and the world.

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