The Australian New Crops Newsletter

Issue No 7, January 1997.

NOTICE: Hard copies of the Australian New Crops Newsletter are available from the publisher, Dr Rob Fletcher. Details of availability are included in the Advice on Publications Available.

10.1 Pulse Australia

[For up-to-date information, please consult Pulse Australia's Web Site:]

Our mission is to facilitate and support the Australian "Pulse" industry to achieve improved profitability for all industry sectors. Our vision is to achieve a $1 billion pulse industry by 2005 that is sustainable and profitable for all sectors.

Why do we need Pulse Australia?

Basically to coordinate all our industry efforts into some sort of order and priority to encourage profitability for everyone.

As a result of the extensive industry study in the last year or so we found some duplication, some inefficiencies and some areas of neglect. We found a lot of strengths but we also realised the need for somebody to organise or manage the jobs that have to be done.

Who is Pulse Australia?

The organisation is made up of the industry bodies at federal level and as far as possible is meant to represent everyone in the Pulse industry.

The organisations are:

What will Pulse Australia do?

As noted earlier, it really has to organise the work to be done. Things such as organising trials and joint programs with the livestock industry to establish the best forms of rations and combinations for the use of their pulses. Recipe books and m anuals for the Australian housewife are planned to develop an image for the industry based on its clean/green, quality products both here and overseas, and to have governments include more pulses in their food aid programs.

On the production end, we now have a lot of information on how to grow these crops but we need to get this information out and Pulse Australia can assist in this area with other organisations such as the State Department of Agriculture and agronomist g roups.

There is much to do and it is all about helping the producers produce better yields and quality products for the world and domestic markets and getting it there in the most efficient way.

Where does Pulse Australia fit?

Pulse Australia will represent the whole pulse industry. It is a peak industry body driven by all the players in the industry.

The organisation will do the work that the private and corporate organisations can't so it will be in between the Government agencies and the main industry players like NFF (National Farmers Federation), the AWB (Australian Wheat Board) and other feder al organisations. It really is about working together as a team so we can all benefit from a well organised world competitive industry.

Who is going to pay?

Pulse Australia Ltd as a non-statutory body, needs to seek funding from a variety of sources from throughout the industry.

Contact Pulse Australia:
Ken O'Reilly, Mt Tyson Seeds Pty Ltd
Phone: (076) 937 166
Fax: (076) 937 260

[For up-to-date information, please consult Pulse Australia's Web Site:]

Any claims made by authors in the Australian New Crops Newsletter are presented by the Editors in good faith. Readers would be wise to critically examine the circumstances associated with any claims to determine the applicability of such claims to their specific set of circumstances. This material can be reproduced, with the provision that the source and the author (or editors, if applicable) are acknowledged and the use is for information or educational purposes. Contact with the original author is probably wise since the material may require updating or amendment if used in other publications. Material sourced from the Australian New Crops Newsletter cannot be used out of context or for commercial purposes not related to its original purpose in the newsletter

Contact: Dr Rob Fletcher, School of Land and Food, The University of Queensland Gatton College, 4345; Telephone: 07 5460 1311 or 07 5460 1301; Facsimile: 07 5460 1112; International facsimile: 61 7 5460 1112; Email:

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originally created by: GK; latest update 6 June 1999 by: RF