The Australian New Crops Newsletter

Issue No 7, January 1997.

NOTICE: Hard copies of the Australian New Crops Newsletter are available from the publisher, Dr Rob Fletcher. Details of availability are included in the Advice on Publications Available.

9. Australian New Crops Association

At the final Plenary Session of the First Australian New Crops Conference, the following motion was agreed to, with almost unanimous support:

It has been agreed to:

The aims and objectives of the Australian New Crops Association will be to:

The three elected members of the steering committee were Dr Rob Fletcher, Mr Ian Wood and Dr Brian Stynes. The draft constitution has been prepared and was distributed with Issue #7 of the Australian New Crops Newsletter in January 1997.

Any claims made by authors in the Australian New Crops Newsletter are presented by the Editors in good faith. Readers would be wise to critically examine the circumstances associated with any claims to determine the applicability of such claims to their specific set of circumstances. This material can be reproduced, with the provision that the source and the author (or editors, if applicable) are acknowledged and the use is for information or educational purposes. Contact with the original author is probably wise since the material may require updating or amendment if used in other publications. Material sourced from the Australian New Crops Newsletter cannot be used out of context or for commercial purposes not related to its original purpose in the newsletter

Contact: Dr Rob Fletcher, School of Land and Food, The University of Queensland Gatton College, 4345; Telephone: 07 5460 1311 or 07 5460 1301; Facsimile: 07 5460 1112; International facsimile: 61 7 5460 1112; Email:

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originally created by: GK; latest update 6 June 1999 by: RF