

Research Festival 1998

  • Timetable
  • Schedule
  • Plenary Sessions
  • Mini-Symposia
  • Posters

    Recap of '98

    '98 Progam Preview

    Poster Registration Announcement

    Recap of '97

    NIH Catalyst photo essay

    Recap of '96

    NIH Home Page

  • Poster Session in Lobby
    Last year's Research Festival featured over 400 posters presented by NIH intramural researchers.
    New Chair Sets Dates
    The chairman of Research Festival 1999, NHGRI's scientific director Jeffrey Trent, approved the dates of this fall's program--October 5-8.
  • Tentative plans are to start with a Job Fair, followed by two days of scientific meetings that include three plenary sessions, a dozen mini-symposia, and three poster sessions. Also planned are picnics and the TSA Scientific Equipment Show.
  • Registration for poster sessions is expected to begin in the latter half of April. Check back here or look for announcements in the NIH Record, the NIH Catalyst, and NIH-wide email notices.

    General Information
    The NIH Research Festival is a forum of presentations designed "to bring together the NIH intramural research community in all of its scientific diversity but at the same time, to focus on a set of research themes which are broadly important and still emerging," in the words of Dr. Arthur S. Levine, former NICHD scientific director and chair of the 1988 and 1998 programs.

    Each year thousands of researchers attend the Research Festival, held in the fall on the NIH campus in Bethesda, Maryland. The original one-day program has since expanded into several days of symposia, seminars, poster sessions, and special exhibits. Important associated events often include a postdoctoral Job Fair,* the TSA Scientific Equipment Show,** alumni programs, and picnics.

    The position of Festival chair is rotated yearly among the IC scientific directors. Logistical support is coordinated through the Office of Communications and Public Liasion in the Office of the Director, NIH. For more information, contact the Special Projects Office, 301.496.1776, fax 301.402.0601, or e-mail the NIH Research Festival.

    * The Job Fair is organized by the NIH Office of Education--contact 301.496.2427
    ** The Equipment Show is organized by the Technical Sales Association, a group of private manufacturers and vendors of biomedical research products and services.

  • NIH Research Festival NIH Research Festival NIH Research Festival NIH Research Festival NIH Research Festival NIH Research Festival NIH Research Festival NIH Research Festival NIH Research Festival NIH Research Festival