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Java Dynamic Management Kit
Java Metadata Interface Software
Jini Technology
Project JXTA
OSS Through Java Initiative

Recently Updated

Solaris 10 10/08
Solaris 10 10/08 is now available for download: adding new hardware support and significant enhancements to the innovative Solaris ZFS file system. Learn more.
GlassFish v3 Prelude
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Prelude improves productivity with rapid deployment technology and modular architecture based on OSGi. Read the overview and download it now.


Start Building JavaFX Applications
Download the NetBeans IDE 6.1 with JavaFX to get started, or choose Project Nile to to generate JavaFX code from Adobe Photoshop CS3 and/or Adobe Illustrator CS3.
NetBeans 6.5 Release Candidate
NetBeans IDE 6.5 is the ideal tool for software development with PHP, Ajax and JavaScript, Groovy and Grails, Ruby and Ruby on Rails, and C/C++.
Identity Management
These solutions help you manage, protect, store, verify, and share identity data.

Featured Products

Sun xVM VirtualBox 2.0
Run multiple operating systems at the same time with free and open-source Sun xVM VirtualBox.
Get MySQL database for fast performance, high reliability, ease of use, and dramatic cost savings.
Get Where You're Going

You need training and certication on Sun technologies, so cut to the chase.


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