NARC&DC LogoNational Association of RC&D Councils, Inc. photo by Jim Marshall, Potawatomi  RC&D

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National Association
 of RC&D Councils, Inc.
444 N Capitol St. NW
 Suite 345
Washington, DC 20001
202 434 - 4780
Fax 202 434 -4783



Grants Center



New Grant Research Available to All Councils

In response to Council's requests, the NARC&DC announced in August of 2002 a new program that is designed to assist councils in finding potential sources of funding. This new program is called The Grant Resource Center (GR Center). Currently, the program is helping Councils find various sources of funding and/or information on potential funders. To date, over sixty requests were received and over 300 different potential funders were identified and sent to those Councils requesting the information. The possibility of funding projects is limitless. Projects have varied from seed money to start up a nature walk, to funding for an abuse prevention facility.

This service is available to all councils and is easy to use. Send your request to the National Office or email us at grant information. Your request should include the location where the funding is needed (including the city, county, and state), a short description of the project, the name of the requesting council, and the target audience of the project.

Don't miss out on the chance to help your Council find needed funds. If you have any questions, please contact the National Office at 202-434-4780. Grant Funding Opportunities Delivered to You Weekly Free of Charge.

At the request of Council's across the nation, on December 3, 2002, the National Office was pleased to roll out the Grant Station Insider. The Grant Station Insider is a weekly newsletter, for Councils, that will help you stay informed of possible funding sources for wide variety of your projects. For those whom are already receiving the newsletter, the National Office hopes it serves your council's information needs. For those who have not received the newsletter, just E-mail Andrew Gordon at and request a subscription to the Grant Station Insider. You should receive your first copy the first Tuesday after requesting a subscription. From then on, the Grant Station Insider will be distributed to your email box every Tuesday morning. The National Office hopes this weekly newsletter will be an asset to your organization and enable you to "make things happen!"


RC&D Making Things Happen


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National Association of RC&D Councils, Inc.
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