The Pacific Northwest Seismic Network

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Mt. Hood

Latest Earthquakes at Mount Hood

Time vs. Depth plots of Mount Hood earthquakes for the past year.

Time-Depth, map, and cross sections of Mount Hood earthquakes for the past decade.

Webicorder Records, including seismometers near Mount Hood.

Mount Adams | Mount Baker | Crater Lake | Glacier Peak | Mount Hood | Mount Rainier | Mount St. Helens | Three Sisters

Time-Depth, Map, and Cross-Sections of Mount Hood Seismicity

Time-Depth Plot of Mount Hood Earthquakes Time-Depth Plot

Map Guide:

  • Red dots represent events occuring in the past month.
  • Green dots represent events occuring less than a year ago, but more than a month ago.
  • Circles represent older events.


Map Guide:

  • Red dots represent events occuring in the past month.
  • Green dots represent events occuring less than a year ago, but more than a month ago.
  • Circles represent older events.
  • Black triangles represent PNSN seismic stations. Stations are labeled with their names.
  • Black star indicates approximate position of Mt. Hood summit.
  • Magnitude scale is at upper left; distance scale at lower left.

N-S Cross-SectionE-W Cross-Section

Time-Depth, Map, and Cross-Section Plots for Volcanoes: