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Frequently Asked Questions
Other NASS Periodicals

Can I become a subscriber to the Agricultural Statistics Book electronically by e-mail?

No. The Agricultural Statistics Book is about 5 megabytes in size and is not available by e-mail. It is however, available on CD-ROM and in print in its entirety from the USDA Order Desk. Order by dialing 1-800-999-6779.

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Can I download the book? How?

Yes, however the process depends on your browser. For example, with Netscape, press the shift key then click and hold the left mouse button over the link to save the link or right click over the link then select the "Save this link as..." option.

Important Note: The 1994 issue is NOT broken down into chapters and is a very large file. Downloading this file will take a while.

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Are the Agricultural Statistics Book Index chapters linked to the actual chapters of the book?

Yes. The links were created with HTML code. (Note: the CD-ROM contains more links than do the files on Internet.)

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Can I get the data for the Agricultural Statistics Book in a format that is compatible with spreadsheets/databases?

Yes, but only for the 1995-96 issue. There are comma-separated value files (.csv) available for this one issue. These files should be compatible with any spreadsheet or database package that you may be using.

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What are some of the other publications that are available?

Statistical Highlights - an annual publication

Track Records - Records of United States crop production comprised of national level statistics for the principal crops in NASS' estimating program.

Statistical Bulletins containing Final Estimates - A set of reports that contain final estimates from 1993-97.



Last modified: 11/28/06

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