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Frequently Asked Questions
Historical Data

Why do you have only three USDA agencies' reports and products combined?

Our initial agreement for Internet services included the three Economic agencies that work closely with each other. These agencies are Economic Research Service (ERS), World Agricultural Outlook Board (WAOB), and National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS).

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Do I have options for just looking at NASS, or ERS, or WAOB Historical Data ONLY?

Yes, the search can be narrowed to a specific agency.

From our NASS homepage, click on "SEARCH" and choose which agency you wish to search at "List by Agency". The list of report and data products can then be scrolled through or click on a letter to jump down the list.

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Does NASS publish any crop or livestock rankings?
(For instance... "What three states were the top production States of ALL WHEAT in 1995?")

Yes, NASS has crop and livestock ranking information at this site. To view, select Publications from NASS Home Page; and select Rankings.

Important Note: Always view the README.DOC located at the top of the listing to help understand the type of data and index codes used for different agricultural items. There are three groups of data: (1) Rankings by Commodity presents the top 10 production States for each commodity; (2) Rankings by State shows the States ranking for all commodities produced; (3) Rankings by County lists the top 100 counties for major commodities.

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Are there any graphics (showing trends over a period of years) available?

Numerous charts and graphs are available from Charts and Maps on the Home Page. A special publication "Trends in U.S. Agriculture", highlights changes in agriculture during the 20th century.

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Last modified: 11/28/06

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