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Frequently Asked Questions
  Reports and Publications from NASS

Do you have a catalog of reports and data products available? How can I access the catalog on the Internet? In print?

The Catalog is available on the Internet and in print. On the Internet, check out the "NASS CATALOG" button on the PUBLICATIONS page . The printed version is published annually and is available from the USDA Order Desk by dialing 1-800-999-6779.

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How can I order a printed report from the catalog?

NASS and WAOB printed reports are available from the USDA Order desk. A list of NASS reports and their subscription prices are listed on the inside back cover of the Catalog.

Prices vary by report.

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Is there any other way to get information besides a printed report?

NASS publishes US and State level agricultural statistics in numerous National reports (see Publications ) for many commodities and data series. While the Quick Stats Agricultural Statistics Data Base provides access to significant US, State, and County information and the ability to query by commodity, state(s) and year(s). The query dataset can be downloaded for easy use in your database or spreadsheet.

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When are your reports officially released?

Reports are officially released at 8:30 a.m. or at 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time on release day, except Crop Progress, which is released at 4:00 p.m. on Mondays of each week during the growing season (April - Nov).

Note: If Monday is a Federal holiday, reports are released on Tuesdays.

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How soon after the reports are officially released can I access them from the web site?

NASS' "Today's Reports" are available in less than 5 minutes after official release. If no reports are released, a "sad face" appears specifying no releases that day.

All NASS reports are maintained via our partnership with Cornell University and are usually accessible within 20 minutes after release. Reports can be accessed by calendar, a keyword searh or from an alphabetic listing.

Important Note: If you attempt to access a report before it is loaded, it may not appear later after it has been loaded because the computer cache has retained information from an earlier access. Clicking on the "REFRESH" button (on the toolbar at the top of a Internet Explorer screen) will refresh the cache for this Internet page and bring the information up on the screen.

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Can I subscribe to state reports?

Yes! You can subscribe to State Agricultural Statistics E-mail Reports by clicking to this link and completing the form. If you have questions about a state's report, please e-mail that state. Send general comments to: NASS Customer Service.

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Can I subscribe for specific reports to be sent to me automatically?

Yes! Mann Library at Cornell University provides an e-mail service for our reports. When a current report is released, it is sent via e-mail to the list of subscribers for that report. To subscribe, select "Subscribe by E-mail" on the Publications Page and follow the directions.

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Is there a charge for e-mail subscriptions?

No. There is no charge for an electronic subscription via Internet at this time.

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Do I need to renew my electronic subscription every year?

No. You may "unsubscribe" at any time you wish to discontinue receiving any report. You, the user, will continue to receive reports until a message is sent listing the report(s) to unsubcribe.

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Last modified: 11/22/06

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