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BayScapes - Conservation Landscaping


design element
  • Native plants: may be defined as those species that were present when the first Europeans arrived in the New World. Because they are well adapted to local climate and soil types, native plants require less maintenance such as trimming, watering and fertilizer applications. The most beneficial plants are those species that are native to your particular region or state. This ultimately saves time, labor and money. By planting native plants at home, we can reduce the amount of nutrients and chemicals running off our yards and gardens into local waterways, helping to improve water quality.
  • Habitat: the particular combination of food, water, cover and nesting sites each living creature needs to survive. Forests, meadows and wetlands are rapidly being converted to other uses to accommodate the growing number of people. Whether developed for homes or businesses, the result is the same: wildlife habitat is lost. We can help to restore wildlife habitat one backyard at a time. Backyard habitats provide safe havens within which animals can live and wander. We can provide food and cover by planting a variety of locally native plants. Nesting boxes and sources of water also provide habitat components critical for wildlife.
  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM): the combination of biological, physical and chemical methods to control pests. IPM offers a variety of choices to manage pests. Many natural and biological controls exist. IPM includes proper identification of pests, using beneficial insects and other animals to get rid of undesirable pests, use of organic pesticides and careful and directed pesticide use. While IPM does not totally eliminate chemical pesticides, it can reduce the volume used on the land. This approach minimizes impacts on wildlife, local water quality, and the Chesapeake Bay.
  • Chesapeake Bay Watershed: the total land area that drains to the Bay. More than 64,000 square miles of land drain into the Chesapeake Bay and its many tributaries. The Chesapeake Bay watershed stretches across six states - New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia and West Virginia - and the District of Columbia.
                      --see a map of the watershed--
                   --is your county in the watershed?--


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